Our story began right here in San Antonio, when our parent company...
The ETC Companies, was looking for a reliable and dependable print and mail provider to manage and generate 1095 forms for their ACA clients.Sounds simple, until you consider that the number of forms required equaled over 500,000 to be printed in less than 60 days at that time!
The answer was to establish a division of ETC to provide print and mail services!
ETC was a data company, SJ&C became a data company; able to effectively manage and leverage streams of information to generate texts, emails, and traditional client mail campaigns. From data management, came design services to further enhance the client’s message.
It wasn’t long before SJ&C started targeting client opportunities outside the ETC network; by providing its services to small, and mid-size organizations, and companies. SJ&C has transitioned into a Bigger, Better, and more Robust, total provider for specialized print and mailing solutions;